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  • AutorenbildStephan Klemm

Marketing - September 2023 update - Review

Aktualisiert: 19. Nov. 2023

The official update notes from Microsoft can be found here.

I'm trying to discuss the most important new or updated features and give some tips, how they could improve your daily work. It's only a first look and a small evaluation, not a deeper analysis. My ratings are also completely subjective and not meant to criticize Microsoft's product policy in any way.


General availability This month comes with a new Copilot feature (simplify and summarize segments), personalized lists in emails and a Vibes integration for text messages. I'm honest, I can't tell you more details about those three features because for my German customers Copilot isn't that much relevant right now and also non of them uses Vibes for SMS delivery. The personalized lists may be interesting for event management (list all registered participants with personalization) in the future, but it needs further tests to verify that.


Public preview

Copilot style capture for emails, forms and event registration pages

Sounds interesting to capture the styles via a URL from a website and use them right away in your assets. I will do some tests if and how this will work in my daily life. It's not a game changer, but this Copilot feature has a good potential. Rating: Interesting


Prevent duplicate emails to Contacts that share the same email address

That's a feature which is already available for Customer Journeys (Outbound - can be activated via Default Marketing Settings). Now we can use it in Real-time too! So, if you have an huge amount of Contacts who share the same (Marketing) email address, you may enable this restriction it in the Feature Switches. BUT: It seems that the blocked Contacts (due to duplicate email addresses) will not stop running through the Journey. Instead, they are declared as inactive and follow then the No-paths. Original statement from Microsoft:

Rating: Great! But keep in mind the limitation for splitted paths. And you also can't use it for Lead based Journeys!


Monthly enhancements

Journeys: Create leads and opportunities from journeys

Creating Leads directly out of the Journey is a perfect enhancement for the Editor! On top, you can use your matching rules and are not forced to always create new Leads (as in Outbound Customer Journeys). The new Opportunity tile could also be interesting, but I didin't get any customer requests in this direction in the past. But let's see how this may change in the future.

Rating: Great!


Consent: Create segments from consent topics and purposes

Being able to segment on Topics and Purposes opens up an horizon of new possibilites. Finally, we can create target groups for Topics (Interests people have opted-in) and for the Complicance Profiles (Purposes) and use them in segment based Journeys. This a milestone for the transition of Contact based consent to the new Real-time consent modell.

Rating: Awesome!

16 Ansichten0 Kommentare


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